What can cause you to lose your section 8 voucher?

18 Reasons That Can Cause You to Lose Your Section 8 Voucher


– As a requirement to receive a Section 8 voucher, you must supply the information required by the PHA or HUD.

– Failure to provide the required information can lead to the termination of your Section 8 voucher for non-compliance.

– It is important to keep your information up to date and report any changes to the housing authority.

 Lease Violations

– If you violate the rules stated in your lease or fail to meet the program’s requirements, it can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– Examples of lease violations include subletting the unit, damaging the property, or engaging in criminal activity.

 Engaging in Illegal Activities

– Engaging in illegal drug use or a pattern of drug use that interferes with the health and safety of other residents can have your voucher terminated.

– Acts of fraud, bribery, or any other criminal activity in connection with the program are strictly prohibited.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Domestic Abuse, Sexual Assault, or Stalking

– Domestic abuse, sexual assault, and stalking are strictly prohibited and can lead to the termination of a Section 8 voucher.

– However, if a person is a victim of domestic abuse, their voucher will not be terminated.

– It is important to report any incidents of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking to the housing authority.

 Failure to Pay Rent on Time

– Failure to pay rent on time can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to pay your rent on time to avoid losing your voucher.

 Failure to Maintain Utilities

– Failure to maintain utilities can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to keep your utilities connected and in good working order to avoid losing your voucher.

 Missing Recertification Appointments or Inspections

– Missing recertification appointments or inspections can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to attend all appointments and inspections to maintain your voucher.

 Allowing an Unapproved Person to Live in the Unit

– Allowing an unapproved person to live in the unit can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Alcohol Abuse

– Alcohol abuse can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Failure to Meet Responsibilities

– Failing to meet responsibilities can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to fulfill your responsibilities as a tenant to maintain your voucher.

 Criminal Activity

– Criminal activity can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Fraud or Bribery

– Fraud or bribery can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Using Fake Identification or Social Security Numbers

– Using fake identification or social security numbers can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Falsifying Legal Records

– Falsifying legal records can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Tenants Entering into Outside Agreements with the Landlord

– Tenants entering into outside agreements with the landlord can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Failure to Comply with Local Housing Regulations

– Failure to comply with local housing regulations can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Failure to Meet Additional Standards Set by the Public Housing Agency

– Failure to meet additional standards set by the public housing agency can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Conviction of the Manufacture or Production of Methamphetamine

– Conviction of the manufacture or production of methamphetamine can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

 Violent Behavior

– Violent behavior can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.

– It is important to follow the rules and regulations of the program to avoid losing your voucher.

What are the consequences of engaging in criminal activity while on section 8?

Termination of Section 8 Voucher

  • Engaging in criminal activity can result in the termination of your Section 8 voucher.
  • Common infractions include dealing, using, or possessing illegal drugs or firearms, violent behavior, and other criminal acts.


  • The most immediate consequence of losing your Section 8 voucher is eviction from the rental unit.
  • Your landlord may be able to find another tenant, or they may need to evict you if you are unable to pay the full rent amount.

Loss of Subsidy

  • Another consequence of losing a Section 8 voucher is the loss of the subsidy.
  • This means that you may need to pay the full rental amount in order to remain living in the unit.

Difficulty Qualifying for Other Benefits

  • The loss of a Section 8 voucher could also affect your ability to qualify for other benefits such as Medicaid and food stamps.

Credit Damage

  • Finally, a lost Section 8 voucher may lead to credit damage if rent payments are not made on time or in full.
  • This could have future repercussions when applying for loans and other types of credit.


In conclusion, the potential reasons for losing your Section 8 voucher are numerous and encompass a range of actions, from failing to report income changes to engaging in criminal activity. These consequences are significant, including voucher termination, eviction, loss of subsidies, challenges in qualifying for other essential benefits, and credit damage. Understanding and adhering to the rules and regulations of the program are paramount to maintain this vital housing assistance, which provides stability and support to many individuals and families in need. Compliance with program requirements is essential to avoid the harsh repercussions associated with losing a Section 8 voucher.

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