Can you be trespassed from a post office? Revealed!

Can you be trespassed from a post office
Can you be trespassed from a post office

Yes, you can be trespassed from a post office.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) can trespass individuals from post offices for reasons like disruptive behavior or criminal activity. When trespassed, you receive a written notice specifying the ban’s reason and duration. Violating this notice can lead to arrest. As federal facilities, post offices adhere to federal laws, and a trespass can apply to all USPS locations nationwide. For inquiries about a post office trespass, contacting the postmaster or the USPS Office of the Inspector General is recommended.

Situations that can lead to trespassing in a post office

Here are the Situations that Can Lead to Trespassing in a Post Office:

  • Entering a post office and shouting: Shouting upon entry can lead to eviction or trespassing charges due to its disruptive nature.
  • Staying beyond business hours without permission: Even with initial permission, remaining after business hours may result in criminal trespass.
  • Refusing to leave when told: Refusal to vacate the premises when asked can lead to trespassing charges, especially if disrupting operations or violating rules.
  • Restrictions on certain activities: Leafleting, distributing literature, picketing, and demonstrating in postal building lobbies and interior areas are prohibited. Carrying firearms, dangerous weapons, or explosives, except for official purposes, is also forbidden.

Prohibited activities in a post office

Here are the specific activities and general rules that can lead to trespassing at a post office, presented in a structured format:

Specific Activities Leading to Trespassing:

  1. Engaging in disruptive or disorderly behavior, including:
  • Yelling, cursing, or making threats
  • Playing loud music
  • Blocking traffic or interfering with customers or employees
  1. Refusing to leave when asked by a USPS employee.
  2. Committing a crime on postal property, such as theft, assault, or vandalism.
  3. Being a threat to the safety of USPS employees or the public, like carrying a weapon, making threats of violence, or being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

General Rules and Regulations:

  • Smoking or using tobacco products is prohibited.
  • Bringing pets into the post office is not allowed.
  • Using profanity or making offensive remarks is prohibited.
  • Littering or damaging postal property is forbidden.
  • Blocking entrances or exits is not permitted.

The USPS reserves the right to trespass anyone from its facilities for any reason, including causing disturbances or being unwelcome. Trespassing results in a written notice specifying the reason and the duration of the ban. Violating a trespass notice can lead to arrest and criminal charges. For inquiries about specific activities or rules, consult a USPS employee.

Consequences of trespassing in a post office

Consequences of Trespassing:

  1. Fine or Imprisonment: Violating post office rules and regulations can result in a fine, imprisonment of not more than 30 days, or both.
  2. Ban from Entering the Post Office: Trespassing can lead to a ban from re-entering the post office without the need for written notice.
  3. Criminal Trespass Conviction: Violating postal property rules and regulations can lead to a criminal trespass conviction, reinforcing the legal consequences.
  4. Possible Legal Action: If arrested for re-entering the building after being trespassed without a written order, one may potentially sue the city if the police did not provide proper notice.

Can trespassing on postal property lead to a lifetime ban from the post office?

Trespassing Consequences at Post Offices:

  • Trespassing on postal property can lead to a lifetime ban from the post office, with the duration determined by the offense’s severity.
  • The USPS issues a written notice specifying the reason for the ban and the length of the prohibition.
  • If an individual is caught trespassing on postal property after being banned, they can be arrested and charged with a crime.

Reasons for USPS Bans:

  • Ban reasons may include trespassing, disruptive or disorderly behavior, refusal to leave when asked, committing a crime on postal property, or posing a threat.

Appeal Possibility:

  • Banned individuals can inquire about lifting the ban by contacting the postmaster or the USPS Office of the Inspector General. However, there is no guarantee of a successful appeal.

Federal Law and Penalties:

  • The USPS is a federal agency, so federal law applies to trespassing on postal property.
  • Trespassing on postal property can result in misdemeanor or felony charges, with penalties including fines of up to $5,000 and/or imprisonment for up to six months, depending on the circumstances.

What is the process for appealing a lifetime ban from the post office?

Appealing a Lifetime Ban:

Submit a Written Appeal to Installation Head

  • Field employees or their representatives can send a written appeal to the installation head within seven calendar days of receiving the Step A decision.

Request a Hearing or Waiver of Hearing

  • Employees can request a hearing or waive a hearing by submitting a written request to the Step 1 official (Chief Postal Inspector or designee) within 15 calendar days of receiving an adverse action letter. A copy is sent to the official taking the action, who forwards the file to the Step 1 official.

Appeal Letter of Decision in Writing

  • Within 15 calendar days of receipt, the employee may appeal the letter of decision in writing. If the employee works at Headquarters or a Headquarters field unit, is in the Inspection Service, or if an area vice president is the deciding official, the request should be directed to the vice president of Labor Relations at the address provided in the decision letter.

Mediation Consideration

Note that mediation may not be appropriate in cases involving egregious misconduct, criminal activity, or other serious offenses.


In conclusion, being trespassed from a post office is a legally supported measure by the United States Postal Service (USPS). This comprehensive overview highlights the specific situations and behaviors that can lead to trespassing, the potential consequences, including lifetime bans, and the appeal process available to individuals. Trespassing on postal property is governed by federal laws and carries legal penalties, emphasizing the seriousness of violating USPS regulations. To ensure a smooth experience when visiting post offices, understanding the rules and maintaining respectful conduct is essential, while the appeal process offers a path for those seeking to challenge a ban.


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