Monopoly Mortgage Property: Everything You Need to Know

Monopoly Mortgage Property
Monopoly Mortgage Property

Monopoly Mortgage Property is a popular board game that involves buying, selling, and trading properties. The goal is to become the richest player by collecting rent from your opponents and avoiding bankruptcy. But what if you run out of money and can’t pay your bills? That’s where mortgage property comes in handy.

What does Mortgage Property mean in Monopoly?

Mortgage Property

Mortgage property is a way of borrowing money from the bank in Monopoly. When you mortgage a property, you flip it over and receive half of its purchase price from the bank. You can use this money to pay off debts, buy other properties, or build houses and hotels. However, there are some drawbacks to mortgaging properties, which we will discuss later.

How do mortgages work in Monopoly?

To mortgage a property, you must first own it and have no houses or hotels on it. You can mortgage any type of property, such as streets, railroads, or utilities. You can also mortgage more than one property at a time, as long as you follow the rules.

To unmortgage a property, you must pay the bank the original mortgage value plus 10% interest. For example, if you mortgaged Boardwalk for $200, you must pay $220 to unmortgage it. You can unmortgage a property at any time during your turn, before or after rolling the dice.

What are the mortgage rules in Monopoly?

There are some important rules to remember when dealing with mortgages in Monopoly:

  • You cannot collect rent from mortgaged properties. This means that you lose the income potential of your properties when you mortgage them.
  • You cannot build houses or hotels on mortgaged properties. This means that you cannot improve your properties or increase their rent value when they are mortgaged.
  • You cannot trade or sell mortgaged properties to other players. This means that you cannot use your properties as bargaining chips or get rid of them when they are mortgaged.
  • If you go bankrupt and owe more money than you have, you must sell or mortgage your properties to pay off your debts. If you still owe money after selling or mortgaging everything, you are out of the game and must hand over all your assets to the creditor.

Pros and Cons of Mortgage in Monopoly

Mortgage property can be a useful strategy in Monopoly, but it also has some risks and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons of mortgage in Monopoly:

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  • Mortgage property can help you get out of a tight spot when you need cash urgently. For example, if you land on someone’s hotel and can’t afford to pay the rent, you can mortgage some of your properties to raise the money.
  • Mortgage property can help you buy more properties or build more houses and hotels. For example, if you have a monopoly on a color group and want to develop it quickly, you can mortgage some of your other properties to fund your construction.
  • Mortgage property can help you avoid paying taxes or fees. For example, if you land on Income Tax or Luxury Tax and don’t want to pay 10% of your total worth or $75, respectively, you can mortgage some of your properties to reduce your net worth.


  • Mortgage property can reduce your income and growth potential. When you mortgage a property, you lose the ability to collect rent from it and to build houses or hotels on it. This means that you miss out on the opportunity to make more money and increase your wealth.
  • Mortgage property can make you vulnerable to other players. When you mortgage a property, you flip it over and reveal its value to everyone. This means that other players can see how much money you have and how much debt you owe. They can use this information to exploit your weaknesses and take advantage of your situation.
  • Mortgage property can backfire on you if you don’t plan ahead. When you mortgage a property, you have to pay 10% interest to unmortgage it. This means that you have to spend more money than you borrowed in the first place. If you don’t have enough cash flow or assets to cover the cost, you may end up in more trouble than before.

Advanced Strategies for Monopoly Mortgage Property

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some advanced strategies for using mortgages to your advantage:

The Mortgage and Develop Strategy

    One of the most powerful uses of mortgaging is to fuel rapid development. Here’s how it works:

    • Mortgage several low-value properties (like the light blues or purples).
    • Use the cash to build houses on your more valuable properties (like the oranges or reds).
    • The increased rent from your developed properties should more than make up for the lost income from the mortgaged ones.

    This strategy can create a snowball effect, allowing you to quickly dominate the board while your opponents struggle to keep up.

    The Defensive Mortgage

      Sometimes, the best offense is a good defense. If you’re running low on cash and at risk of landing on an opponent’s expensive property, consider these steps:

      • Identify which of your properties are least likely to generate significant income in the near future.
      • Mortgage these properties to build up a cash reserve.
      • Use this cash buffer to survive potential big hits and keep yourself in the game.

      Remember, you can always unmortgage properties later when your financial situation improves.

        Can you buy mortgaged properties in Monopoly? 

        Absolutely! In fact, this can be a great strategy. Here’s how to make it work:

        • Keep an eye out for opponents who are struggling financially.
        • Offer to buy their mortgaged properties at a discount.
        • If you have the cash, immediately unmortgage the property to start collecting rent.
        • If not, pay the 10% interest and keep it mortgaged until you can afford to unmortgage it.

        This strategy allows you to expand your property portfolio at a discount while potentially crippling an opponent’s ability to recover.

        The Mortgage Shuffle

          This advanced technique involves constantly mortgaging and unmortgaging properties to maximize your cash flow and minimize your vulnerability. Here’s how it works:

          • Mortgage properties just before your turn to have maximum cash on hand for purchases or to pay rent.
          • Unmortgage properties at the start of your turn to collect rent if someone lands on them.
          • Repeat this process, always trying to have your most landed-on properties unmortgaged when it’s not your turn.


          Mortgage property is a double-edged sword in Monopoly. It can help you survive in times of crisis, but it can also hurt you in the long run. Whether you decide to use it or not depends on your situation and your strategy. The key is to weigh the pros and cons carefully and make smart decisions.

          I hope this blog was helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments about monopoly mortgage property, feel free to leave them in comments. Thank you for reading!


          What is mortgage value in monopoly?

          Mortgage value in monopoly is the amount of money that you receive from the bank when you mortgage a property. It is usually half of the purchase price of the property. For example, if you mortgage Park Place, which costs $350, you get $175 from the bank.

          How to sell property in monopoly?

          To sell a property in monopoly, you must first find a willing buyer among the other players. You can negotiate the price and terms of the sale with them. You must also sell any houses or hotels on the property before you can sell it.

          How to buy mortgaged property in monopoly?

          To buy a mortgaged property in monopoly, you must first agree on a price with the seller. You then pay the seller the agreed amount and receive the mortgaged property from them. You can then decide whether to unmortgage the property now or later by paying the bank the mortgage value plus interest.

          Can you mortgage houses in monopoly?

          No, you cannot mortgage houses in monopoly. You can only mortgage properties that have no houses or hotels on them. If you want to mortgage a property that has houses or hotels, you must sell them first to the bank at half price.

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