How to Remove a Conservation Easement from Your Property: 2024

How to Remove a Conservation Easement from Your Property
How to Remove a Conservation Easement from Your Property

Removing a conservation easement from your property is not easy, and in some cases, it may not be possible at all.

A conservation easement is a legal agreement between a landowner and a qualified entity, such as a land trust or a government agency that restricts the use and development of the land for conservation purposes. Conservation easements can provide many benefits for landowners, such as tax deductions, estate planning, and environmental protection. However, some landowners may change their minds about having a conservation easement on their property, or may face unforeseen circumstances that make the easement impractical or impossible to maintain. In such cases, they may wonder if they can remove the conservation easement from their property.

Removing a conservation easement from your property is not easy, and in some cases, it may not be possible at all. Conservation easements are meant to be permanent and binding on future owners of the land. They are also subject to state and federal laws and regulations that govern their creation, modification, and termination. Therefore, if you are a landowner who is considering removing a conservation easement from your property, here are the steps you will need to take:

Review the terms of the easement

The first step in removing a conservation easement is to review the terms of the easement agreement. The easement agreement is the document that spells out the rights and obligations of both parties, as well as the conservation purposes and restrictions of the easement. The easement agreement may also contain provisions that address how the easement can be amended or terminated, under what conditions, and by whom. For example, some easements may allow for minor modifications or adjustments with the consent of both parties, while others may prohibit any changes or require court approval. Some easements may also have an expiration date or a clause that allows for termination in case of impossibility or impracticability.

Contact the easement holder

The second step in removing a conservation easement is to contact the easement holder, which is the entity that holds and enforces the easement. The easement holder is usually a nonprofit land trust or a government agency that has an interest in preserving the conservation values of the land. You will need to communicate with the easement holder, preferably through an attorney, to discuss your reasons and desire to remove the easement. You will also need to provide evidence and documentation to support your case, such as appraisals, surveys, environmental reports, or financial statements.

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Negotiate with the easement holder

The third step in removing a conservation easement is to negotiate with the easement holder to reach an agreement on how to remove the easement. Depending on the terms of the easement and the circumstances of your situation, you may have different options for removing the easement, such as:

  • Release: The easement holder may agree to release you from some or all of the obligations and restrictions of the easement, either for free or for a fee. This option may be available if the conservation purposes of the easement have been fulfilled or are no longer relevant.
  • Amendment: The easement holder may agree to amend the terms of the easement to allow for more flexibility or fewer limitations on your use and development of the land. This option may be available if there are minor changes or corrections needed to reflect current conditions or needs.
  • Exchange: The easement holder may agree to exchange your existing easement for another one on a different property that has similar or greater conservation value. This option may be available if there are other properties that can serve the same or better conservation purposes as your original property.
  • Termination: The easement holder may agree to terminate the entire easement and restore your full rights and ownership over your property. This option may be available if there are extraordinary circumstances that make it impossible or impractical to continue with the easement, such as natural disasters, eminent domain, or changed conditions.

Obtain court approval

The fourth step in removing a conservation easement is to obtain court approval for your agreement with the easement holder. For many conservation easements, particularly those with tax benefits or public involvement, obtaining court approval is mandatory. The court assesses the agreement’s compliance with laws, public interest, charitable purpose, and respect for all parties involved. The court examines alternatives or mitigations to enhance the land’s conservation values.

Record and file your agreement

The final step in removing a conservation easement is to complete the necessary paperwork and file your agreement with the appropriate authorities. This involves preparing and signing all required documents that reflect your agreement with the easement holder and court approval. Additionally, you will need to pay any applicable fees or taxes. Record your agreement with the county recorder’s office or land registry office where your property is located, and if you claimed a tax deduction, file the agreement with the IRS or relevant tax authority. Once completed, you will receive confirmation that your agreement has been officially recorded and filed, indicating the successful removal of the easement from your property.

Some Important Information Related to Conservation Easement

Conservation Land Rules

Conservation land rules are regulations and guidelines put in place to manage and protect lands designated for conservation purposes. Here are some common principles and regulations often associated with conservation land:

  1. Access Restrictions: Conservation lands may have restrictions on public access to protect sensitive habitats, prevent disturbance to wildlife, or preserve cultural or historical sites. Access may be limited to designated trails or require permits or guided visits.
  2. Prohibited Activities: Certain activities that could harm the environment or disrupt conservation goals may be prohibited on conservation lands. These may include hunting, fishing, logging, mining, or any actions that could degrade or disturb natural resources.
  3. Conservation Easements: Conservation easements may be placed on private land to restrict future development and ensure the protection of specific conservation values. Easements can limit activities such as construction, subdivision, or alteration of the land.
  4. Land Management Practices: Conservation land rules often include guidelines for sustainable land management practices. This may involve controlling invasive species, restoring degraded habitats, and implementing measures to conserve soil and water resources.
  5. Wildlife Protection: Conservation lands often prioritize the protection of wildlife and their habitats. Conservation easements may restrict activities like hunting, fishing, or trapping to protect critical habitats and endangered species.
  6. Environmental Monitoring and Research: Conservation land rules may require regular monitoring and research activities to assess the health of ecosystems, track wildlife populations, and ensure the effectiveness of conservation efforts.

Conservation Eeasement Restrictions

Conservation easement restrictions refer to the limitations and obligations imposed on a property owner through a conservation easement. The following are common types of restrictions typically found in conservation easements:

  1. Land Use Restrictions: Conservation easements often limit or prohibit certain land uses that could harm the conservation values of the property. This may include restrictions on development, commercial activities, industrial operations, or subdivision of the land. The purpose is to maintain the land’s natural state and prevent activities that could degrade its ecological integrity.
  2. Building and Construction Limitations: Conservation easements may impose restrictions on the construction of buildings or structures on the property.
  3. New construction on land with a conservation easement may have restrictions on size, location, and design to maintain natural character.
  4. Resource Extraction Restrictions: To protect natural resources, conservation easements frequently prohibit or limit activities such as mining, drilling, logging, or removal of natural materials from the property. These restrictions aim to prevent the depletion or degradation of important resources, including minerals, timber, or water.
  5. Conservation Management Requirements: Conservation easements often include provisions that require the landowner to implement specific conservation management practices. These may involve measures to protect sensitive habitats, control invasive species, promote biodiversity, or restore degraded areas. Compliance with these requirements ensures the ongoing stewardship of the land.
  6. Transfer and Succession Limitations: Conservation easements may contain provisions that restrict the transfer or subdivision of the property. These restrictions aim to ensure that the conservation objectives of the easement are upheld even if the property changes ownership. The easement may require the consent of the easement holder for any future transfers or subdivisions.

Buying a property with a conservation easement

Buying property with a conservation easement entails restrictions to safeguard the land’s conservation values and preserve its natural resources. Here’s a summary of key points to consider when purchasing such a property:

  1. Understand the Easement: Familiarize yourself with the terms of the conservation easement, including its restrictions and obligations. Review the agreement to ensure you’re aware of any limitations on land use, development, or other activities.
  2. Conservation Values: Assess the conservation values associated with the property.
    Appreciate easement’s goals: wildlife habitats protection, open space preservation, and ecological integrity maintenance.
  3. Property Use: Determine how the easement will impact your intended use of the property. Consider any restrictions on building, development, or land management activities. Ensure they align with your goals and plans for the land.
  4. Future Transfers: If you plan to sell the property in the future, understand the restrictions on transferring the easement. Some easements require approval from the easement holder or impose limitations on future subdivision or development.
  5. Easement Holder Relationship: Clarify the responsibilities and relationship with the easement holder, typically a land trust or government agency. Understand their role in enforcing the easement and any ongoing monitoring or reporting requirements.
  6. Property Value and Taxes: Recognize that the presence of a conservation easement may affect the property’s value and property taxes. Consult with appraisers, tax professionals, and real estate experts to evaluate these potential impacts.

Selling Property with Conservation Easement

Selling a property with a conservation easement involves certain considerations and processes. Here are some key points to keep in mind when selling such a property:

  1. Understand the Easement: Familiarize yourself with the terms and restrictions of the conservation easement on your property. Review the agreement to understand the limitations on land use, development, and other activities. This will help you communicate effectively with potential buyers.
  2. Easement Disclosure: Disclose the presence of the conservation easement to potential buyers. Provide them with a copy of the easement agreement and any related documentation. Transparency is important to ensure buyers are fully aware of the property’s restrictions before making an offer.
  3. Educate Buyers: Help prospective buyers understand the benefits and values associated with the conservation easement. Highlight the ecological, environmental, or cultural significance of the protected land and how it contributes to the surrounding community.
  4. Engage Easement Holder: Communicate with the easement holder, typically a land trust or government agency, throughout the selling process. Notify the easement holder of your intention to sell and include them in discussions with potential buyers for necessary consent.
  5. Professional Assistance: Seek guidance from professionals experienced in selling properties with conservation easements. Engage a specialized real estate agent and consult experienced attorneys to navigate legal complexities in conservation easement transactions.
  6. Market Appropriately: Tailor your marketing strategy to attract buyers who appreciate the conservation values associated with the property. Land with a conservation easement offers benefits like environmental stewardship and preservation of natural resources.
  7. Easement Valuation: Consider obtaining a professional appraisal to determine the impact of the conservation easement on the property’s value. This assessment can help set an appropriate listing price and provide potential buyers with valuable information.

Some Freqently asked Questions on Reddit, Quora and other Online Platform

How much does a conservation easement reduce property value?

The impact of a conservation easement on property value varies depending on various factors such as location, market conditions, and specific terms of the easement, but studies have shown potential reductions ranging from 10% to 40%.

What are the disadvantages of a conservation easement?

Conservation easement drawbacks include restricted use, lower value, generational limits, limited financial benefits, and termination challenges.

What happens if you break a conservation easement?

If a landowner violates or breaks a conservation easement, the consequences can vary depending on the terms of the specific easement and applicable laws. Generally, the easement holder or a relevant enforcement agency can take legal action to enforce the terms of the easement. This may involve seeking injunctive relief, financial damages, or potentially even seeking to restore the land to its pre-violation state. Breaking a conservation easement can result in legal disputes, financial penalties, and potential loss of certain rights or privileges associated with the property.

Can you build a house on a conservation easement?

In general, the purpose of a conservation easement is to limit development and protect the conservation values of the land. Therefore, building a house or any other significant structures on a conservation easement is typically restricted or prohibited. Review the easement agreement and consult experts to understand land use limitations and construction restrictions in place.


Removing a conservation easement from your property is a complex and challenging process that requires careful consideration and professional guidance. You will need to review the terms of your easement, contact the easement holder, negotiate an agreement, obtain court approval, and record and file your agreement. You will also need to weigh the costs and benefits of removing the easement, as well as the potential impacts on your property value, tax liability, and environmental legacy. If you are a landowner who is thinking about removing a conservation easement from your property, you should consult with an attorney, an accountant, and a land trust representative before making any decisions.


Can a conservation easement be removed?

Yes, a conservation easement can be removed, but it typically requires the agreement of the easement holder and court approval.

Why conservation easements are bad?

Conservation easements are not inherently bad, but they can be perceived as limiting property rights and development potential for landowners.

What is a conservation easement in Washington state?

In Washington state, a conservation easement is a legal agreement between a landowner and a conservation organization or government agency. It restricts land use to protect conservation values like natural resources or wildlife habitat.




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