Social Security 62 vs 67 vs 70: Choosing the Right Age for Retirement Benefits in 2024

Social Security 62 vs 67 vs 70 Choosing the Right Age for Retirement Benefits in 2023
Social Security 62 vs 67 vs 70 Choosing the Right Age for Retirement Benefits in 2023

Welcome to our informative blog on Social Security benefits and the advantages of claiming them at different ages. In this article, we will explore the benefits and considerations of claiming benefit of Social Security 62 vs 67 vs 70 age. Making the right decision about when to claim your benefits is essential for maximizing your retirement income. We’ll discuss the factors you should consider and provide you with valuable insights to help you make an informed choice. Let’s dive in and explore the advantages of each claiming age!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Claiming Social Security Benefits at ages 62, 67, and 70

Age 62: Early Retirement

Claiming Social Security benefits at 62 may seem tempting, especially if you’re eager to retire early. However, it’s essential to consider the following points:


  • Immediate income: By claiming benefits at 62, you can start receiving a monthly payment sooner.
  • Flexibility: Early retirement can provide you with more time to pursue other interests or spend time with loved ones.


  • Reduced benefits: Claiming benefits at 62 will result in a permanent reduction in your monthly benefit amount compared to claiming at your FRA or later.
  • Earning limitations: If you choose to work while receiving benefits at 62, your earnings may be subject to the Social Security earnings limit, which can further reduce your benefit amount.

Full Retirement Age (FRA): Standard Retirement

Your FRA depends on the year you were born, typically ranging from 66 to 67. Consider the following aspects of claiming Social Security benefits at your FRA:


  • Full benefits: Claiming benefits at your FRA ensures that you receive your full, unreduced retirement benefit.
  • No earning limitations: Once you reach your FRA, you can continue working without any restrictions on your earnings.


  • Delayed income: If you’re in good health and can afford to wait, waiting until your FRA means delaying your Social Security income.

Age 70: Delayed Retirement

Choosing to delay claiming Social Security benefits until age 70 offers the potential for increased monthly benefits. Consider the following factors:


  • Maximum benefits: For each year you delay claiming benefits beyond your FRA, your monthly benefit amount increases due to delayed retirement credits. Waiting until 70 can result in significantly higher monthly benefits for the rest of your life.
  • Inflation protection: The higher benefit amount you receive by waiting until 70 can help combat the impact of inflation over time.


  • Delayed income: By waiting until 70, you’re forgoing several years of Social Security income. If you have an immediate need for income, this may not be the best option for you.

Calculating Your Social Security Benefits

Determining the amount of your Social Security benefits involves considering your earnings history and your full retirement age (FRA). The FRA is the age at which you can receive your full benefits, which is 67 for those born in 1960 or later. For individuals born before 1960, the FRA varies from 65 to 66.

If you choose to claim benefits before reaching your FRA, your monthly benefits will be reduced by a certain percentage for each month you claim early. On the other hand, if you delay claiming benefits beyond your FRA, your benefits will increase by a certain percentage for each month you wait. Let’s explore an example to better understand how these adjustments work:

Assuming your FRA is 67 and you have a projected monthly benefit of $1,000, here’s how different claiming ages affect your benefits:

Social Security Retirement Age Chart or Social Security Early Retirement Penalty Chart

Social Security Benefits
  • Claiming at 62: Your benefits would be reduced by 30%, resulting in a monthly benefit of $700.
  • Claiming at 63: The reduction would be 25%, making your monthly benefit $750.
  • Claiming at 64: The reduction would be 20%, resulting in a monthly benefit of $800.
  • Claiming at 65: The reduction would be 13.3%, giving you a monthly benefit of $867.
  • Claiming at 66: The reduction would be 6.7%, resulting in a monthly benefit of $933.
  • Claiming at 67: At your FRA, you would receive your full benefit amount of $1,000.
  • Claiming at 68: Your benefits would increase by 8%, making your monthly benefit $1,080.
  • Claiming at 69: The increase would be 16%, resulting in a monthly benefit of $1,160.
  • Claiming at 70: The increase would be 24%, giving you a monthly benefit of $1,240.

To estimate your own benefits based on your earnings history and desired claiming age, you can use the benefit calculators available on the Social Security Administration’s website. These tools provide personalized projections to help you make informed decisions about your retirement planning.

How to Determine the Right Time to Claim Social Security Benefits

Deciding when to claim your Social Security benefits is a crucial decision that should be based on your unique circumstances. While there is no definitive answer, considering the following factors can help you make an informed choice.

Social Security Benefit Decision

Life Expectancy

  • If you expect to live longer, delaying benefits can result in higher total payments over your lifetime.
  • If you have a shorter life expectancy or need the income immediately, claiming earlier may be more beneficial.
  • Calculate your break-even age to understand when the total payments for different claiming ages are equal.


  • If you have significant health concerns or a family history of early mortality, it may be wise to claim benefits earlier.
  • Delaying benefits can provide higher monthly payments during your retirement years if you anticipate a longer lifespan.

Spousal Benefits

  • Delaying benefits can increase the survivor benefit for the lower-earning spouse.
  • The survivor benefit provides financial security in case of the higher-earning spouse’s death.

Income Needs

  • If Social Security is your primary or sole source of income, claiming earlier might be necessary to meet your financial obligations.
  • If you have other sources of income or sufficient savings, you may have more flexibility to delay claiming benefits.

Investment Returns

  • Claiming benefits earlier and investing the funds might be advantageous if you have the ability to earn high investment returns.
  • Delaying benefits can provide a reliable, inflation-adjusted income stream if you prefer a more conservative approach or have lower expected returns.

Inflation and Cost-of-Living Adjustments

  • Consider the potential impact of inflation and the cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) provided by Social Security.
  • Compare the expected inflation rate with the projected COLA to evaluate the real value of your benefits.

Remember, these factors are guidelines, and individual circumstances may vary. It’s advisable to use online tools, consult financial advisors, and utilize the resources provided by the Social Security Administration to make an informed decision based on your specific needs. Taking the time to evaluate these considerations will help you maximize your Social Security benefits and support a secure retirement.


Deciding when to claim Social Security retirement benefits is a personal choice that depends on several factors. While claiming benefits at 62 provides immediate income, it comes with reduced benefits. Waiting until your FRA ensures full benefits, while delaying until age 70 can maximize your monthly benefit amount. Assess your financial needs, health, and retirement goals before making a decision.

Remember, consulting with a financial advisor or Social Security Administration representative can provide valuable insights tailored to your specific situation. Understanding the pros and cons of claiming benefits at ages 62, 67, and 70 will empower you to make an informed decision that aligns with your retirement plans.


Is it worth waiting to 70 for Social Security?

Waiting until age 70 to claim Social Security benefits is worth it for most people as it increases monthly benefits by 76% in inflation-adjusted terms compared to retirement benefits taken at age 62.

Is it better to take Social Security at 67 or 70?

If you wait until your full retirement age (FRA) of 67, you will receive your full retirement benefit. If you wait until age 70, your benefits will increase by 8% per year, which can add up to a significant amount of money over the course of your retirement.
However, if you need the money sooner, or if you are in poor health, then starting collecting early may be the better option for you.

What is social security 5-year rule?

The Social Security 5-year rule states that in order to be eligible for Social Security retirement benefits, you must have accumulated at least 40 credits, which is equivalent to 10 years of work (earning a specified minimum amount) throughout your lifetime.



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