Can a notice to vacate be withdrawn? Everything you need to know!

Can a notice to vacate be withdrawn
Can a notice to vacate be withdrawn


A notice to vacate is a legal written document from a landlord to a tenant or vice versa that informs the other party of a move-out date from an apartment, condo, house, or any residential rental property. It is issued for various reasons, including lease violations such as failure to pay rent, subletting the property without prior consent, having unauthorized pets or guests, or other lease violations. A notice to vacate can also be issued without cause from a tenant to a landlord, which is the most common notice to vacate letter. The lease’s termination date should be in the lease agreement, and usually, notices to vacate are sent 30, 60, or 90 days in advance of the lease termination date.

Can a notice to vacate be withdrawn?

Yes, a notice to vacate can be withdrawn.

Mutual Agreement:

  • Both the landlord and tenant must agree to withdraw the notice.
  • It’s recommended to have the agreement in writing to avoid misunderstandings.

Lease Agreement Clause:

  • Check the lease agreement for clauses allowing notice withdrawal under specific conditions.
  • For instance, the lease may enable the landlord to withdraw a notice if the tenant pays all back rent and late fees.

Legal Orders:

  • In certain cases, a judge may order the withdrawal of a notice to vacate.
  • Examples include cases of landlord retaliation or tenant resolution of lease violations that led to the notice.

Cannot be Withdrawn:

The notice to vacate generally cannot be withdrawn in the following situations:

  • The tenant has already vacated the property.
  • The landlord has already initiated an eviction proceeding in court.
  • The tenant has not met the conditions specified for withdrawing the notice, such as paying all overdue rent and late fees.

State-Specific Laws:

Variation by State:

  • Laws governing notice withdrawal can differ significantly from state to state.
  • It is essential to understand that the specific rules regarding withdrawing a notice to vacate can vary based on your location.

Examples by State:

  • Pennsylvania: In Pennsylvania, a landlord can issue a 15-Day Notice to Quit for at-will tenants and other tenants who have resided in the rental property. The notice must contain all necessary information, such as the tenant’s violation and the time they have to vacate the rental unit. If the tenant doesn’t leave the unit within the specified time, the landlord can file a complaint with the court for an eviction action or lawsuit.
  • Connecticut: In Connecticut, the Notice to Quit must be formally served, and it must provide the tenant with a specific amount of time to vacate the rental unit.
  • Massachusetts: In Massachusetts, a landlord must provide a written notice called a notice to quit before commencing the eviction process.

Consult with an Attorney:

  • Given the variations in state laws, it is strongly advised to consult with an attorney who is well-versed in local regulations.
  • An attorney can provide guidance on how the specific laws in your state impact your situation and rights as a tenant or landlord.

Example of Notice Withdrawal:

  • A landlord serves a notice to vacate to a tenant for non-payment of rent.
  • The tenant pays the full rent amount before the notice deadline.
  • Subsequently, the landlord writes a letter to formally withdraw the notice to vacate.
  • The tenant acknowledges the withdrawal by signing and dating the letter.
  • Both parties keep a copy of the letter for their records.

In this scenario, the notice to vacate has been successfully withdrawn, and both parties are bound by the terms of the lease agreement. The landlord cannot evict the tenant without just cause.

Legal implications of withdrawing a notice to vacate

State Laws:

  • Understanding state-specific laws is crucial when considering the withdrawal of notices to vacate, as these laws can vary significantly from state to state.
  • Consultation with an attorney is recommended to navigate the specific legal landscape in your area.

Lease Agreement Terms:

  • The terms of your lease agreement are essential to consider.
  • Some lease agreements may include provisions that address the withdrawal of notices to vacate. For instance, the lease might permit either party to withdraw a notice under certain specified conditions, such as the tenant paying all outstanding rent and late fees.

Impact on Landlord-Tenant Relationship:

  • The decision to withdraw a notice to vacate should take into account its potential impact on the relationship between the landlord and tenant.
  • For landlords, withdrawing a notice may signal leniency, potentially affecting future tenant compliance with lease terms.
  • For tenants, withdrawing a notice may create an impression of unreliability, which could influence future rental opportunities.

Tenant’s Rights if a Notice to Vacate is Withdrawn

  1. Restored Rights: When a landlord withdraws a notice to vacate, the tenant’s rights are reinstated to the same level as they were before the notice was issued.
  2. Eviction without Good Cause: The tenant cannot be evicted without good cause, and they have the right to remain in the property for the remainder of the lease term.
  3. Compensation for Expenses: The tenant may have the right to seek compensation for any expenses they incurred due to the notice to vacate. For example, if the tenant had to move out and then back in, they may be able to recover those costs from the landlord.

Can a Tenant Refuse to Leave if a Notice to Vacate is Withdrawn?

  • Yes, a tenant can refuse to leave if a notice to vacate is withdrawn. The landlord cannot forcibly remove the tenant without a court order.
  • However, it’s essential to note that the landlord may still be able to evict the tenant for good cause, such as non-payment of rent or a breach of the lease agreement.

Scenarios Where a Tenant May Refuse to Leave:

  • The tenant has already secured another place to live, but the move-in date has been delayed.
  • The tenant has had a change of heart and decided not to move.
  • The tenant has reached an agreement with the landlord to resolve the issue that led to the notice to vacate.

In these situations, the tenant has the right to stay in the property until the landlord initiates an eviction proceeding in court and obtains a court order. If you are a tenant facing a notice to vacate, consulting with an attorney is advisable to understand your rights and explore your options. An attorney can help protect your interests and navigate the legal process.


In conclusion, the withdrawal of a notice to vacate is a legally complex process, influenced by both state-specific laws and the terms of the lease agreement. While it is possible for a notice to vacate to be withdrawn through mutual agreement, lease agreement clauses, or judicial orders, the restoration of tenant rights is a critical outcome. With the ability to remain in the property and seek compensation for related expenses, tenants possess important protections. However, a tenant’s right to refuse to leave should the notice be withdrawn underscores the necessity of legal consultation and awareness of potential consequences for both landlords and tenants.


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