How to transfer utilities back to landlord? Let’s find out!

How to transfer utilities back to landlord
How to transfer utilities back to landlord

To transfer utilities back to a landlord, there are several steps to follow based on the information gathered from various sources:

  1. Make a List of Utilities: Create a list of the utilities you are responsible for at your current address, including:
  • Electricity
  • Internet
  • Gas
  • Security systems
  • Trash collection
  • Water/sewer
    Keep records of account numbers, provider names, contact information, and costs for each utility.
  • Confirm Details with Your Landlord: Check your lease agreement and consult your landlord to determine which utilities you are responsible for paying at your new place. Your landlord may have preferred providers and can estimate total utility costs for you.
  • Give Notice to Your Providers: Contact your current utility providers at least two weeks before moving out. Inform them of your move-out date, new address, and move-in date at the new apartment. Arrange for utilities to be turned off at your current place after you move out and turned on at the new apartment before or on your move-in day.
  • Pay Off Your Bills: Ensure all final balances on bills at your previous unit are settled before moving out. Contact providers to check for outstanding balances to avoid any negative impact on your credit score.
  • Transfer Utilities Back Under Your Name During Vacancies: If there is a gap between tenants, transfer necessary utilities back under your name to avoid issues like frozen pipes during vacancies. For a seamless transition with a new tenant, ensure they set up new utilities correctly before moving in.

By following these steps and communicating effectively with both your current and future landlords as well as utility providers, you can smoothly transfer utilities back to the landlord during transitions between tenants.

What information should be included in a utility transfer notice?

Here is a sample email with the information you should include in a utility transfer notice

[Your Full Name]
[Your Current Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]


[Utility Provider’s Name]
[Provider’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Utility Transfer Notice

Dear [Utility Provider’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you about my upcoming move and to request the transfer of utilities from my current address to my new residence.

Contact Information:

  • Full Name: [Your Full Name]
  • Current Address: [Your Current Address]
  • New Address: [Your New Address]
  • Phone Number: [Your Phone Number]
  • Email Address: [Your Email Address]

Move-Out and Move-In Dates:
I will be moving out of my current residence on [Move-Out Date] and moving into my new place on [Move-In Date]. Your cooperation in scheduling the transfer accordingly would be greatly appreciated.

List of Utilities:
Please find below a detailed list of the utilities I am responsible for transferring:

  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Internet
  • Water
  • Waste removal
  • [Any other relevant services]

Request for Transfer:
I kindly request the services be disconnected at my current address after I move out and connected at my new location before or on my move-in day.

Confirmation of Transfer:
Upon completion of the transfer, I request confirmation from your office to ensure there are no disruptions in service during the transition period.

Payment Information:
I would appreciate information regarding any costs or fees associated with the transfer. Additionally, please inform me if there are any outstanding balances that need to be settled before the transfer.

Meter Readings:
I will arrange for final meter readings before moving out to ensure accurate billing and avoid overpaying for unused services.

I understand the importance of keeping records for clarity. Kindly provide written confirmation of the transfer dates and any outstanding payments.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Your cooperation in facilitating a smooth transition is highly valued. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].


[Your Full Name]


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